Your Bangkok Taxi Guide

Everything you Need to Know about Taxis in Bangkok

Bangkok Airport (BKK)TransfersBangkok Taxis

Navigating Bangkok: an Overview of Taxis in Bangkok

Taxis in Bangkok are a widely favored transit option by the city’s visitors despite their bad reputation. Indeed, although they used to be notorious for their scams, nowadays, the scamming incidents are considerably less frequent, while they are ideal for rides with heavy luggage or when traveling with children. That being said, you should bear in mind that the traffic jams in Bangkok are often unbearable. Thus, during rush hours (approximately from 07:00 am to 10:00 am and from 04:00 pm to 06:00 pm) or rainy days, the use of one of the modes of mass transit is highly recommended.

Overall, Bangkok taxis are numerous and available in almost every part of the bustling city. They come in many colors, as each cab company has fleets consisting of the same-colored vehicles. Thus, you’ll spot pink, orange, green, half-green half-yellow, or even blue taxis.

Our Tip: Ride-sharing services (such as Grab) are also present around Bangkok, sharing a significant portion of the city’s transit scene. On the other hand, the traditional three-wheeled tuk-tuks are another alternative. Still, passengers have to bargain for their fares, and the vehicles are open and not air-conditioned, leaving travelers exposed to pollution and hot temperatures.

Bangkok Taxi Scams: How to Avoid Them

Truth be told, taxis in Bangkok provide rather reliable services nowadays. In general terms, taxi drivers are polite and friendly and don’t always try to overcharge tourists and first-time visitors. That being said, you should check out the most frequent scamming practices to ensure a stress-free and safe ride:

  • Drivers suggest a fixed rate: Bangkok taxis are metered. However, some taxi drivers offer so-called more affordable set rates that usually end up being far costlier than the taximeter fare.
  • The taximeter isn’t working properly (or at all): You should always check that the taximeter is on and working properly (not running faster than normal) at the beginning of your taxi ride.
  • The driver zeroes the taximeter right before the drop-off and asks for a higher fee: You should check the indicated-by-the-taximeter rate right before reaching your journey’s end to be sure about the approximate cost of the ride.
  • The driver makes intermediate stops: to put gas on the vehicle or for whatever reason. In that way, the journey is longer and, consequently, pricier.
  • The driver uses a longer route: Although Bangkok taxi drivers usually follow the less congested routes to avoid the notorious traffic jams, some of them might make unnecessary circles or follow longer routes to raise the final fare. Thus, it is advisable to use a GPS on your mobile phone to keep track of your location. Alternatively, you can download the city’s map so that you won’t have to rely on WiFi or internet access.
  • Bangkok taxi drivers suggest dining, shopping, or entertainment options: Although this isn’t a rule, you shouldn’t rely on their suggestions, as they may recommend places where they receive a commission.
  • The taxi driver claims that your destination is closed: You should verify you indeed can’t visit your destination, as taxi drivers may falsely claim so only to take you to a place where they get a commission.
  • Drivers often don’t have enough change: It certainly can be the case. Still, many Bangkok taxi drivers claim not to have enough change only to get paid more. Hence, it is strongly recommended to carry small change.

Bangkok Taxi Fares

Taxis in Bangkok are metered. Thus, although negotiated fares are an option for long-distance journeys, all other taxi rides are charged according to the taximeter’s indication. Hence, passengers aren’t obligated to accept fixed-rate rides. In fact, if the taxi driver tries to bargain a set price, you should try to catch another taxi. You’ll almost always find another one passing by.

The flag-down rate for rides with taxis in Bangkok is THB 40/$1,09/€1,01 (for the first 1km/0.62 mile). From that moment on and up to 10km/6.2 miles, each kilometer is charged at THB 6,5/$0,18/0,17. From 10km to 20km (6.2-12.4 miles), the charge per kilometer is THB 7/$0,19/€0,18, while from 20km to 40km (12.4 to 24.8 miles), passengers pay THB 8/$0,22/€0,20 for every traversed kilometer. From 40km to 60km (24.8 to 37.2 miles), each kilometer is priced at THB 8,5/$0,23/€0,21, and from 60 km to 80km (37.2 to 49.7 miles), the cost per kilometer is THB 9/$0,25/€0,23. Finally, from 80km (49,7 miles) onwards, the rate per kilometer is THB 10,5/$0,29/€0,27.

Is the taxi stuck in traffic? Does it travel with a speed that doesn’t exceed 6km per hour (3.7 miles)? Passengers are charged an extra THB 3/$0,082/€0,076 per minute. Have you booked your taxi online or called for one? You’ll pay an additional THB 20/$0,55/€0,51 fee. Moreover, airport rides are THB 50/$1,37/€1,27 more expensive. On the other hand, passengers have to pay any required toll fees. Fortunately, they are fairly inexpensive. Expectantly, larger vehicles (vans) that accommodate more passengers are slightly more expensive.

How to Hire a Bangkok Taxi

You won’t face difficulties finding a taxi in Bangkok. That being said, catching a cab might be more challenging during rush hours or under bad weather conditions. Unless you want to book your taxi through the relevant app or call for one, you’ll easily find an available vehicle at the official Bangkok taxi ranks. Moreover, hailing a taxi from the street in Bangkok is easy and not time-consuming at all, regardless of the city’s area. Bangkok taxis seem to circulate all over the city and are numerous. Please keep in mind that if you want to hail a taxi from the street, you should raise your hand facing down and that free cabs have a lit red light on their dashboards.

You should prefer catching your cab from the taxi ranks or from the street and not use the taxi vehicles lining up in front of the hotels, shopping malls, or major sites and attractions, as those drivers usually deny metered rides and offer set expensive fares.

Bangkok Taxi to Suvarnabhumi Airport

Taxis in Bangkok and Bangkok airport taxis are metered. Hence, their fares range depending on the exact location of the destination, the time of the day, the traffic, etc. As for luggage, two pieces of luggage up to 26 inches/67cm are out of charge. However, a third piece will be charged at THB 20/$0,55/€0,51. What’s more, luggage sized more than 26 inches/67cm costs THB 20/$0,55/€0,51 per piece, while large-sized baggage comes with an up to THB 100/$2,73/€2,53 fee. Please note that the luggage fee applies only to journeys from and to the airport. Overall, the taxi ride from Bangkok to Suvarnabhumi Airport lasts around 30-40 minutes and costs about THB 700/$19,08/€17,80, all surcharges included (tolls, etc.). However, during rush hours, the ride may last more than one hour and, expectantly, be much costlier.

Useful Guidelines about Taxis in Bangkok

  • All taxis in Bangkok have a sign on their roofs displaying “Taxi Meter”.
  • You should note the driver’s name and the taxi’s registration number and plate (clearly displayed in the vehicle’s interior). This info will be proven handy in case of forgotten items inside the cab or if you want to make an official complaint.
  • If you want to file a complaint, you’ll need to call 1584.
  • Although Bangkok taxi drivers aren’t allowed to refuse rides, they often do so. In such cases, it’s advisable to try catching another cab and avoid getting into any disputes with the driver.
  • In any case, you should never, under any circumstances, get involved in a fight with the driver.
  • Overall, passengers use cash to pay for their taxi rides in Bangkok.
  • In general terms, Bangkok taxi drivers speak English (or at least can communicate in English). However, it is always advisable to have the address of your destination written down in case the driver isn’t English-speaking.
  • Many taxi drivers in Bangkok do not live in the city and may not be familiar with all the roads. That’s another reason why it’s important to know the exact address of your destination and show it to the driver.
  • You should be extra careful when opening the door to disembark the taxi at your destination, as motorbikes are to be found everywhere in Bangkok and overtake vehicles from all sides. You should also keep in mind that drivers in Bangkok drive on the left side of the road.
  • You aren’t obligated to tip the driver. Still, it is customary to round up the final fare.
  • Some Bangkok taxis offer free rides to nightclubs they cooperate with. However, if passengers don’t actually reach the specific nightclub, they have to pay a set-priced taxi fare instead.


How expensive are taxis in Bangkok?

Overall, taxis in Bangkok aren’t regarded as expensive. Still, they are dependent on traffic levels and, unfortunately, roads around Bangkok are usually congested. On the other hand, many Bangkok taxi drivers offer set-priced rides. However, they tend to be pricier. 

Is it hard to get a taxi in Bangkok?

No, taxis in Bangkok are numerous and are to be found all over the city. Hence, you’ll easily hail one from the street, regardless of your exact location. On the other hand, numerous taxi ranks are scattered around the city. 

Do you need cash for taxis in Bangkok?

It is highly recommended to carry cash in the local currency to pay for your taxi in Bangkok. Verily, the vast majority of Bangkok taxis don’t accept payments via credit or debit cards.

Do you tip taxi drivers in Bangkok?

Tipping the taxi driver in Bangkok isn’t obligatory. Thus, it’s up to you whether to leave a small tip for your ride or not. In general terms, locals usually round up the final fare, at least when the provided services are satisfactory.